Monday, November 29, 2021


The construction of this scene proved to be very successful. The news report scene is one of the most important in our trailer as it gives the context behind the Transparent Animals. Therefore, it was very important to get in perfect.

During the filming of this scene, we made use of the media departments green screen (which we would later edit out and replace with a news studio). We filmed this part of the trailer with a DSLR camera on a tripod. Using the tripod allowed us to keep the footage steady and look professional. The audio on the camera was not very good, so we placed an iPhone behind Tom whilst he spoke in order to capture the audio very precisely. 


There has been numerous sightings of violent protesters wearing animal masks around Esher woods and the surrounding areas. The group call themselves The Transparent Animals and are terrorising locals in order to protest against the recent lockdown procedures, in light of the skyrocket in Covid-19 cases in the area. We would strongly advice all citizens to stay out of the woods at all times as there have been reports of aggravated assault and possession of offensive weapons. WE REMIND YOU – FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY, PLEASE STAY OUT OF THE WOODS AT ALL TIMES.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021



Casting is a key part to any film as it is very important that actors are able to successfully convey the messages and personalities of the characters in the film. For example, someone who is confident and loud may not be able to successfully portray a shy, quiet character. Casting is also important as if a film is poorly cast it reflects very badly on the quality of the end product. I have made a brief presentation explaining why we decided to cast our actors for their roles.

Sunday, November 21, 2021


Risk Assessment

Hazard Proposed

Hazard posed to whom

Risk Level

How Risk was Controlled

Journey to location of filming.

Walking from Esher to the woods  and back from to Esher from the woods– cars.



 Travelling via train to and from Esher – big step between train and platform, fast moving trains, public behaviour.









 Travelling via car to and from Esher – be aware of other drivers and pedestrians.

All 4 of us.








Sam, Finn















 Ben, Matt

























We took extra care when travelling to our site of filming, always looking both ways when crossing a road.


Sam and Finn will take extra care when entering and exiting the train making sure to check how big the gap between the train and platform is. Make sure to stand behind the yellow line on platforms. Avoid public confrontation.


When driving always check your mirrors and stick to the speed limit to reduce chance of accidents. Always look for pedestrians.

First Aid

Tripping/falling when filming in the woods.






Falling ill/sick

Lack of vision - animal masks greatly reduce vision.

All 4 of us








All 4 of us

All 4 of us











Take care when walking on uneven surfaces. We will carry plasters at all time to accommodate for any cuts.


Taking appropriate measures to help individuals who feel unwell i.e. calling their parents or getting them water.

Walking slowly through woods when filming.

 General public

Theft - drone, laptop, phones.


All 4 of us









All 4 of us



Always carry items in a zipped up bag and never leave unattended when filming. Always checking we still have our valuables.


We will walk through public areas as a group of 4 in order to look less approachable. Will not speak to any other members of public.

 Public incidents

 Terrorism - caught up in terrorist activity leading to injury or confusion.

COVID-19 lockdown - preventing us from filming.

 All 4 of us

All 4 of us



 We will follow given government guidelines and be aware of our surroundings so we do not get lost. Make sure everyone knows emergency contacts if needed e.g. 999.

Making sure everyone follows covid-19 government guidelines and not breaking the law. Waiting until after the lockdown to continue filming.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021


To reach your target audience you have to have a clear and specific idea of who they are. This may include their age, gender, social class, ethnicity and what their general interests are. This information may be obtained by creating an audience questionnaire, this will also allow you to find out what their media needs are and how you can create a film that will satisfy them. 

I began by investigating how other media brands define audiences in order to prepare for creating my own audience profile for my A level production.

1. Who is my primary target audience? 15-25 year olds, unisex.

2. What kind of films and television are they likely to prefer? Combination of thriller/action/horror films: Cloverfield, The Blair Witch Project, The Ritual, IT. 

3. What platforms do they choose to watch films and where are they likely to see information about films? Subscription streaming services e.g. Netflix and Prime. Likely to see info about films on social media and online advertisements.

4. What brands do they prefer?

Odeon, Xbox/Playstation, Apple, Microsoft, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, JD, Nike, Adidas, Wagamamas, Nando's, McDonald's. 

5. What makes my film stand out from the competition? Found footage offers a different perspective and a USP other horror films do not have.

. Why should my audience watch my film? Audiences should watch my film as it offers an exciting, scary plot that will keep them on the edges of their seat.


Ben Richardson 1853 I worked with Sam De Bruin 1815, Matt Heyns 1828 and Finn Hanley 1824. Our brief was to make a promo package, consisting...