Friday, September 10, 2021


 I watched trailers for 3 films: Vita and Virginia, Frozen 2 and Apollo 11.

Trailers are typically aimed at the same target audience as the film will be aimed at. Different types of people are interested in different genres of film. Whilst everyone is an individual, certain trailers will appeal to large mainstream audiences whereas some trailers may appeal to a smaller niche audience.

Vita and Virginia

I believe the target audience is aimed towards ages of 35+ with a slight skew towards a female audience. It is also aimed at all couples who may enjoy watching romantic films together. This film would appeal to socially aware women who enjoy seeing on-screen women doing what they want, without the regard of any men. The setting of the film is also very pretty, with scenes set Sissinghurst, therefore it will likely appeal to lovers of natural beauty and national trust members. Due to the films high production value with extravagant costumes and beautiful settings, it is likely to appeal to audiences who like large budget films with realistic props and settings.

Frozen 2

It is clear that the target audience is aimed at children under the age of 13 with a slight skew towards a young female audience. This is likely to be because of the main two characters being 'classic' Disney princesses. Young female audiences are likely to look up to the princesses as they see them as role-models. The feel-good vibe of the film will also attract family audiences with young children. Furthermore, the wholesome values in the film will attract families who want their children to learn good moral values. The smooth animation style also provokes a sense of childlike innocence which will attract a young audience. The action within the film may appeal to young men who enjoy watching action/adventure films. The talking snowman and all the animals also appeal to children who like nature. The general target audience is a typical Disney audience.

Apollo 11

The fact the film was selected for the Sundance Film Festival sets the idea that the film is aimed at a prestige audience as this film festival features indie films, rather than large blockbusters. The film is also a form of documentary which may attract an audience who enjoy non-fiction films, especially people interested in space and engineering. The film could be aimed at a wide range of age groups, those who were alive to witness the actual event may watch the film to reminisce about the 'good old days'. It could also be aimed at a younger audience who want to be informed about the moon landing. 


  1. VITA AND VIRGINIA would also be aimed at audiences who enjoy literature and who are familiar with Woolf's oeuvre. As Vita and Virginia were members of the Bloomsbury set, the film would interest audiences interested in the social history, art and politics of the time. Vita owned Sissinghurst, one of the most renowned gardens in England, where she entertained the literati of her time.

  2. FROZEN 11 would appeal to modern young female audiences as it promotes female empowerment. Its very high production values and hyperrealist animation are of a similar quality to Studio Ghibli and would appeal to audiences who value quality animation.

  3. APOLLO Probably not so much audiences reminiscing about 'the good old days' as those who are fascinated by the promise of previously unseen footage about one of the most momentous technological achievements of the time.



Ben Richardson 1853 I worked with Sam De Bruin 1815, Matt Heyns 1828 and Finn Hanley 1824. Our brief was to make a promo package, consisting...