Wednesday, September 8, 2021


 I have started further research into trailers using the FDA's Teaching Trailers online resource, from which these resources come. 

I watched a trailer Booksmart before considering the following questions about trailers in general. 

1. What do you think are the major elements of a film marketing campaign?

Using Black Panther as an example of a very successful marketing campaign, I believe there are physical and digital elements of a successful marketing campaign. Digital elements could include Black Panther's website consisted of convergent links that lead to the social media accounts for the films where the film could be promoted to different audiences, especially the teenage audience who are common users of social media. Furthermore, Black Panther also used physical techniques such as billboards and posters that appealed to audiences by making the film seem exciting and action-packed. 

2. Where might you expect to see each of the different parts of the marketing campaign?

In cinemas and on TV (trailers), online (film websites and social media accounts), TV and chat shows, newspaper reports and features, radio shows reviewing films, magazine articles.

3. What factors make you want to go and see a film? How do you decide what films to see?

I think the main factor that influences my decision on whether or not to watch a film is the trailer. If the film has a well made trailer it gives me the idea that the film is professional and therefore will be well made. Another important factor is the genre of the film, different genres appeal to different people. The genre of the film will influence my decision on whether or not I will watch a film. Finally, if the film has a strong marketing campaign it will mean I am more likely to watch it. For example, if I see advertising for the film physically and digitally it will motivate me to watch the film as I want to fit in with everyone else who will be watching it.

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Ben Richardson 1853 I worked with Sam De Bruin 1815, Matt Heyns 1828 and Finn Hanley 1824. Our brief was to make a promo package, consisting...