Saturday, September 11, 2021


The teaching trailers resource, published by the FDA clearly states that it is of the highest important for a film's trailer to clearly show the genre of the film, so that audiences can decide if the film will appeal to them. For example, somebody who only likes action films is not going to like a romantic comedy. The resource also says there should be a unique selling point (USP) that is shown in the trailer, in order to offer something new to audiences and make the film stand out from others. A USP could be many things:

  • The innovative use of special effects
  • An unusual mix of genres
  • A popular star
I identified the USP in the trailers of 3 films.

Lion King - A film consisting only of animal characters who have the ability to speak. The scenery is very beautiful and the animation quality is of the highest standard.

Late Night - Popular stars; Emma Thompson and Mindy Kaling. Also focuses on women in the workplace.

Spies in Disguise - Popular stars; Will Smith and Tom Holland. Also unique animation style with high quality special effects.

1 comment:

  1. You have made use of the FDA's 'Teaching Trailers' resource which in this unit explained that audiences like to recognise genre when they watch a trailer, but that in order to attract audiences into the cinema, all films should offer a USP. The task asked you to identify the USP of three films.
    THE LION KING You identify the high quality animation. You could link this to the similar quality of films by Studio Ghibli - these, like The Lion King, appeal to adult audiences as well as children, thereby broadening their appeal.
    LATE NIGHT You recognise the USPs of the themes of empowerment and the casting of A listers.
    SPIES IN DISGUISE You should pick up on the mix of comedy and spy as one USP. You identify the key draw of A listers. You do not note the diversity of representations.



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