Thursday, February 3, 2022


Ben Richardson 1853

I worked with Sam De Bruin 1815, Matt Heyns 1828 and Finn Hanley 1824.

Our brief was to make a promo package, consisting of at teaser trailer, full trailer, film poster and social media pages for a film.

Our film was called Off The Leash. Off The Leash is a horror/thriller film following the adventure of four teenage boys investigating a group of violent protestors called the 'Transparent Animals'. The film takes place during the covid-19 pandemic, which has forced the government to take action by initiating a national lockdown. As a result of the lockdown precautions, the Transparent Animals have begun committing violent crimes and misbehaving in order to show their disrespect towards the governments. The group wear animal masks in order to hide their identity and appear intimidating. 

You can see my Creative Critical Reflection by clicking here or you can access it by clicking the page above.

Camera Work: We filmed the majority of our film using an iPhone camera. We used an iPhone 12 Pro camera, which films in very high quality (4K HDR).  As each member of the production team also appeared in front of camera, everyone had to do their fair share of filming. In scenes that I was not in, I often was behind the camera filming. Furthermore, if I was behind the camera and another person in the team was filming, I would be giving advice and recommendations about different camera angles and shots we could use to create meaning.

Editing: We used Final Cut Pro to edit our film. Throughout production, Matt was our chief editor due to his previous experience editing footage using Final Cut Pro. However, I also helped out and made suggestions for edits we could implement and came up with different ideas and variations. For example, I suggested that we use a variety of short clips (e.g. close ups) with fast editing in order to build suspension and create an eery atmosphere for our film.

Lighting: We filmed a large amount of our trailer outside in the woods, so we used natural lighting for the majority of our production. However, some of our trailer was filmed in the dark-room at school where we used a variety of red lights to create a scary effect. I thought the red lights would connote a threatening situation and I feel as if it was successful.

Directing: Throughout our entire process, each team member contributed ideas and thoughts about plots, shot-types, locations and props. This was very helpful as it allowed us to always have a variety of options when it came to filming. One main directing aspect that I took control of was finding props. For instance, I suggested that the antagonists wear animal masks and I found my animal masks that are used in our trailer. Furthermore, I was able to sort out getting a car to use for one of our scenes that required it.

Main Trailer

Teaser Trailer

Film Poster

Social Media: Instagram

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Ben Richardson 1853 I worked with Sam De Bruin 1815, Matt Heyns 1828 and Finn Hanley 1824. Our brief was to make a promo package, consisting...