Wednesday, February 2, 2022


One refinement I made was to my film poster. Once I had finished my first draft I realised that I could significantly improve it as certain features were not right. For example, in my first draft the central image was slightly being obstructed by the film title. The refinement I made to overcome this issue was swapping the position of the film title and the tagline, using photoshop. By doing this it freed up more room towards the top of my poster, enabling the face of my central image to stand out and no longer be obstructed. This was a key edit as it must be clear that the figure is wearing an animal mask, as this is an important, reoccurring feature within our film.

Furthermore, in order to make room for my film title at the bottom of my poster, I had to edit the billing block and make it shorter and wider, in order to create more space above. This was an easy edit to make on photoshop as I could just edit the size of the font and compress it. This was also an important edit as it was important to make my film poster look professional. Professional film posters often have small billing blocks that are barely visible, in order to fit more important content onto the poster, such as the central image. I would say that this edit was successful as my poster turned out well and I am pleased with how professional it looks.

1 comment:

  1. Thoughtful decisions leading to increased legibility in your film poster.



Ben Richardson 1853 I worked with Sam De Bruin 1815, Matt Heyns 1828 and Finn Hanley 1824. Our brief was to make a promo package, consisting...