Thursday, September 9, 2021


I looked at 3 different trailers on the Teaching Trailers website supplied by the FDA in order to further my understanding of why trailers are made and how they indicate the films genre.

The trailers that I watched:

The Mustang

The opening of this film indicated that the film was a cliche, villain surviving in a prison story, but as the trailer developed, it was evident that this was not the case. This was shown when the main character is introduced into a horse program. The trailer clarifies that the film is a feel-good film as we see the main character transform from a person rotting away in a jail cell to someone who has a new found bond with a loving horse. The trailer makes audiences want to view the film as viewers of the trailer are left with questions about how this transformation takes place and how a hardened criminal can find a new love for animals. The genre of this film is definitely drama as it is evident that the main character is in a difficult place in his life and overcoming this is going to be difficult for him.

Hobbs & Shaw

As Hobbs & Shaw is part of the Fast and Furious franchise, it is safe to assume that the genre will be action and the film will consist of very unrealistic violence. The trailer showed all the things that would be expected in a Fast and Furious film; car chases, explosions, excessive violence and advanced technology. The trailer is mainly aimed at a male, young teenage audience who like cars and violence. However, the female actress proved that females can also be typical 'bad-asses' who fire guns and drive fast, therefore it may also appeal to a female audience.

Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl was represented as a children's fantasy film in its trailer. This was mainly because the main character was a confident, young child who embarks on an adventure. The quest theme theme is typical in action/adventure films designed for children as it usually involves a gripping storyline with twists that engage the child audience. The film made use of children's love for magic and fantasy as well as their appreciation of beautiful sets too lore in potential child audiences. For example, the scene where the woman transforms into a pretty being with wings, capable of flight will make viewers want to watch the film. Trailers like this appeal to both girls and boys.

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