Wednesday, September 15, 2021


Trailers are shown at the cinema, on TV and online with poster campaigns and radio campaigns also giving wide coverage for new film releases. Dedicated trailer sites and official film websites often carry trailers that have been cut for a general audience and are suitable for viewers of any age, whereas trailers shown in the cinema usually correspond to the classification of the film being screened.

After a discussion, I found that the most common places to view trailers are:


Trailers are shown in cinemas before the viewing of the main film commences. Trailers being shown in cinemas are especially good because they are shown on a very big screen, with very loud audio, which gives the audience a chance to get a real idea and feel for the film, enticing them to go watch the film when it releases. Furthermore, another benefit of showing trailers in cinema is that audiences are not able too fast forward or ignore the trailer. Therefore, audiences will just sit back and enjoy the trailers and look out for films they may want to go and see.


Trailers shown on television are not as effective as trailers shown in cinemas. This is because a lot of audiences tend to not pay attention during the commercial break. For example, people tend to go and get a drink or snack when the show stops playing. However, most people watch more TV than cinema so that is a benefit.


Trailers shown on websites are an effective way of reaching an online audience. More and more people are spending more time on the internet so releasing trailers as adverts for websites is a good way of reaching out to a potential audience. Unofficial trailers can also be uploaded by users to websites such as YouTube, this is a good way for a film to generate free publicity.


DVD's can be effective at promoting trailers as DVD's are watched over and over again. However, people have the option too fast forward through the trailers at the beginning of the tape, so it may not always be effective.

Social Media

Social media allows people to comment on trailers and join in with discussions about the film. Trailers posted on social media also appeal to a younger audience who are constantly using social media.

1 comment:

  1. You have thought about the various platforms where trailers are shown. It would be helpful to complete your research by learning what Skinner says about trailers on online, digital and social platforms.
    Skinner tells us that the advent of digital, online and social has had a very tangible effect on trailers: in a cinema theatre, audiences have 5.1 surround sound or Dolby Atmos, which is a very immersive sound with sound 'moved around' the theatre; equally, the 30 foot-wide cinema screen allows for great detail. However, both sound and vision comes across in a reduced way for audiences of trailers on online, digital and social. Therefore, two mixes of a trailer are prepared.



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