Wednesday, February 2, 2022


One main change we made during our production was to the storyline of our trailer. Originally, we had a completely different idea from Off The Leash. When we were researching we came across the TV show 'Hunted' on Channel 4. This TV show explored the idea of a group of people on the run from another group who had the aim to 'hunt the runners down'. We liked this idea as we thought we may be able to develop it into an enticing, action film. We explored different ideas; one idea we had was to have someone who owed a powerful organisation a lot of money (maybe drug money) and was on the run from them. We believed this idea could work because we could create an action-thriller trailer using lots of short clips and fast editing.

Eventually, as a production team we drifted away from this idea as we realised that involving drugs and dirty money is not suitable for audiences under 18 and that would significantly limit our target audience. We still were enthusiastic about the idea of an action-thriller, so we still followed this idea. We had to adapt our plot so it was more suitable to younger audiences, but also keep the genre we liked, this proved to be difficult as we had to work around fine margins. However, we eventually came up with the idea of 'Off the Leash!'. We still took inspiration from Hunted in the sense that there were a group of antagonists terrorising a group of teenagers. We also made our protagonists teenagers, this was a good idea as it will attract younger, teenage audiences to watch our film because they feel as if they can relate to the characters of similar age.

Overall, I believe the change to our storyline was successful and for the best.

1 comment:

  1. Your ideas then developed further to include protests against the Government's use of heavy-handed restrictions during lockdown. Your film then leveraged current social and political concerns against a recognisable action thriller format.



Ben Richardson 1853 I worked with Sam De Bruin 1815, Matt Heyns 1828 and Finn Hanley 1824. Our brief was to make a promo package, consisting...