Friday, December 3, 2021


22nd November

We filmed the main portion of our trailer on the 22nd November in Esher woods. The filming was a lengthy process as there were multiple different scenes and varying shots that we needed to capture. When we arrived we realised that some of our initial ideas may not work, such as using found footage for our entire film. We overcame this by using a variety of found footage, as well as some regular filming. We decided to film in these woods because we could all easily access them. Furthermore, the sunlight provided good natural lighting.

As stated above, we used found footage in our trailer. Found footage is where the camera is held by an actor in the trailer as they film. In our trailer, Kyle was usually the one behind the camera and asking questions. For example, in one of our scenes Kyle is filming and says 'is this thing even filming'. This is an example of found footage. Found footage is useful as it makes the audience feel as if they are in the film themselves and provides them with insight and makes them feel involved. We used found footage in other scenes as well.

In the scenes which we did not use found footage, we used a variety of different camera angles and shots in order to create meaning. For example, we used an over-the-shoulder shot capturing Blake's reaction to a branch suddenly snapping in the distance. This shot was successful as it allowed the audience to see Blake's reaction and shows that the focus of the shot is Blake.

Another shot that we used was an establishing shot. We were able to capture this shot using Matt's drone. We flew the drone over the woods in Esher in order to capture a short clip of the drone flying over the woodland area. An establishing shot is useful as it shows the audience where the trailer is going to be set.

1st December

On the 1st December we filmed the scene with Alecia in the car. This was an important scene in our trailer because it introduces the antagonists as scary and menacing. The footage we got was all filmed in a car park near Esher. We needed to film the shot where the man in the goat mask appears in front of Alecia's car. We used an over the shoulder shot filmed from the back seat of the car, showing the windscreen of the car from the inside. Then the man appeared in the windscreen and Alecia screams. We captured this scene well as it shows the scariness of the Transparent Animals and the vulnerability of Alecia.

The other shot we needed to get was a camera angle that could show Alecia in the driving seat, but now also showed men with animal masks sitting in the back seat. We used a three shot of Alecia in the foreground, sitting on the drivers seat and the masked men in the background in the back seats. The three shot was useful as it allowed us to capture Alecia's reaction as well as the two men sitting in the back. 

On this date we also filmed our protest scene which introduced the audience to the cause of the Transparent Animal's protesting, the covid-19 lockdown procedures. In the protest scene we used a variety of different short clips and a range of camera angles. We used a tracking shot that followed the protesters down the road and various close ups of the signs and banners. These camera angles created meaning as they introduced the audiences to the antagonists, at the beginning of the trailer.

1 comment:

  1. A most interesting and thoughtful account of two shoots that involved careful planning and artistic decisions about many different shot types, camera angles and camera movements. Well presented, articulate and well illustrated.



Ben Richardson 1853 I worked with Sam De Bruin 1815, Matt Heyns 1828 and Finn Hanley 1824. Our brief was to make a promo package, consisting...