Wednesday, December 8, 2021


I created my film poster using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom. The process was relatively long as I had to go into great detail at several different occasions. I had to teach myself how to use the applications as I had no experience using either apps before. I would say I learnt relatively quickly and managed to produce a realistic poster which successfully portrays our genre and vibe.

I wanted to create a poster which highlights the scariness and severity of our group of antagonists, The Transparent Animals. After school one day I went to the woods with my dad where we took a selection of photos of the trees and me wearing my goat mask. Some turned out good and others not so good. After reviewing all the photos I picked the one I liked best and began to edit it on Adobe Lightroom.

Original photo

I chose to use Adobe Lightroom to edit my photo as it is easy to use and offers a wide range of filters and effects that I could use when customising my initial image. I edited the features of my image such as the shadows, exposure and added a red effect over the sky and trees. I was happy with the red effect I was able to create as it added a sinister and scary ambience to my poster which fit with our horror genre.

Adobe Lightroom

Finally, once my image was edited I dropped it into photoshop so I could begin to overlay my text and make some final adjustments. I used the 'Shock Therapy' font for my poster as its rigid corners and serious undertone emphasise our horror genre. One change I had to make to my poster was removing the logo that was visible on my shirt. This was simple as I just had to take a brush and apply some black over the white logo, making it invisible.

Adobe Photoshop

Finally, once I was happy with the way my poster was looking (the font, the background and the central image), I began to make some final adjustments. After looking at my first draft I realised that the central image was being obstructed by my film title. It is important that the central image of a poster stands out and attract attention, therefore I felt it was necessary to swap the places of the film title and tagline. This was an easy change to make as I just swapped the places of the two texts on my canvas. I was felt that the poster looked much better this way as the head section of my central image was no longer being obstructed.

Another final adjustment I had to make was making the size of the billing block smaller. This was a necessary change to make as it stops audiences from being drawn to it and focusing on other aspects of the poster such as the central image and film title.

First Draft                                                                   Final Poster

Friday, December 3, 2021


22nd November

We filmed the main portion of our trailer on the 22nd November in Esher woods. The filming was a lengthy process as there were multiple different scenes and varying shots that we needed to capture. When we arrived we realised that some of our initial ideas may not work, such as using found footage for our entire film. We overcame this by using a variety of found footage, as well as some regular filming. We decided to film in these woods because we could all easily access them. Furthermore, the sunlight provided good natural lighting.

As stated above, we used found footage in our trailer. Found footage is where the camera is held by an actor in the trailer as they film. In our trailer, Kyle was usually the one behind the camera and asking questions. For example, in one of our scenes Kyle is filming and says 'is this thing even filming'. This is an example of found footage. Found footage is useful as it makes the audience feel as if they are in the film themselves and provides them with insight and makes them feel involved. We used found footage in other scenes as well.

In the scenes which we did not use found footage, we used a variety of different camera angles and shots in order to create meaning. For example, we used an over-the-shoulder shot capturing Blake's reaction to a branch suddenly snapping in the distance. This shot was successful as it allowed the audience to see Blake's reaction and shows that the focus of the shot is Blake.

Another shot that we used was an establishing shot. We were able to capture this shot using Matt's drone. We flew the drone over the woods in Esher in order to capture a short clip of the drone flying over the woodland area. An establishing shot is useful as it shows the audience where the trailer is going to be set.

1st December

On the 1st December we filmed the scene with Alecia in the car. This was an important scene in our trailer because it introduces the antagonists as scary and menacing. The footage we got was all filmed in a car park near Esher. We needed to film the shot where the man in the goat mask appears in front of Alecia's car. We used an over the shoulder shot filmed from the back seat of the car, showing the windscreen of the car from the inside. Then the man appeared in the windscreen and Alecia screams. We captured this scene well as it shows the scariness of the Transparent Animals and the vulnerability of Alecia.

The other shot we needed to get was a camera angle that could show Alecia in the driving seat, but now also showed men with animal masks sitting in the back seat. We used a three shot of Alecia in the foreground, sitting on the drivers seat and the masked men in the background in the back seats. The three shot was useful as it allowed us to capture Alecia's reaction as well as the two men sitting in the back. 

On this date we also filmed our protest scene which introduced the audience to the cause of the Transparent Animal's protesting, the covid-19 lockdown procedures. In the protest scene we used a variety of different short clips and a range of camera angles. We used a tracking shot that followed the protesters down the road and various close ups of the signs and banners. These camera angles created meaning as they introduced the audiences to the antagonists, at the beginning of the trailer.

Monday, November 29, 2021


The construction of this scene proved to be very successful. The news report scene is one of the most important in our trailer as it gives the context behind the Transparent Animals. Therefore, it was very important to get in perfect.

During the filming of this scene, we made use of the media departments green screen (which we would later edit out and replace with a news studio). We filmed this part of the trailer with a DSLR camera on a tripod. Using the tripod allowed us to keep the footage steady and look professional. The audio on the camera was not very good, so we placed an iPhone behind Tom whilst he spoke in order to capture the audio very precisely. 


There has been numerous sightings of violent protesters wearing animal masks around Esher woods and the surrounding areas. The group call themselves The Transparent Animals and are terrorising locals in order to protest against the recent lockdown procedures, in light of the skyrocket in Covid-19 cases in the area. We would strongly advice all citizens to stay out of the woods at all times as there have been reports of aggravated assault and possession of offensive weapons. WE REMIND YOU – FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY, PLEASE STAY OUT OF THE WOODS AT ALL TIMES.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021



Casting is a key part to any film as it is very important that actors are able to successfully convey the messages and personalities of the characters in the film. For example, someone who is confident and loud may not be able to successfully portray a shy, quiet character. Casting is also important as if a film is poorly cast it reflects very badly on the quality of the end product. I have made a brief presentation explaining why we decided to cast our actors for their roles.

Sunday, November 21, 2021


Risk Assessment

Hazard Proposed

Hazard posed to whom

Risk Level

How Risk was Controlled

Journey to location of filming.

Walking from Esher to the woods  and back from to Esher from the woods– cars.



 Travelling via train to and from Esher – big step between train and platform, fast moving trains, public behaviour.









 Travelling via car to and from Esher – be aware of other drivers and pedestrians.

All 4 of us.








Sam, Finn















 Ben, Matt

























We took extra care when travelling to our site of filming, always looking both ways when crossing a road.


Sam and Finn will take extra care when entering and exiting the train making sure to check how big the gap between the train and platform is. Make sure to stand behind the yellow line on platforms. Avoid public confrontation.


When driving always check your mirrors and stick to the speed limit to reduce chance of accidents. Always look for pedestrians.

First Aid

Tripping/falling when filming in the woods.






Falling ill/sick

Lack of vision - animal masks greatly reduce vision.

All 4 of us








All 4 of us

All 4 of us











Take care when walking on uneven surfaces. We will carry plasters at all time to accommodate for any cuts.


Taking appropriate measures to help individuals who feel unwell i.e. calling their parents or getting them water.

Walking slowly through woods when filming.

 General public

Theft - drone, laptop, phones.


All 4 of us









All 4 of us



Always carry items in a zipped up bag and never leave unattended when filming. Always checking we still have our valuables.


We will walk through public areas as a group of 4 in order to look less approachable. Will not speak to any other members of public.

 Public incidents

 Terrorism - caught up in terrorist activity leading to injury or confusion.

COVID-19 lockdown - preventing us from filming.

 All 4 of us

All 4 of us



 We will follow given government guidelines and be aware of our surroundings so we do not get lost. Make sure everyone knows emergency contacts if needed e.g. 999.

Making sure everyone follows covid-19 government guidelines and not breaking the law. Waiting until after the lockdown to continue filming.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021


To reach your target audience you have to have a clear and specific idea of who they are. This may include their age, gender, social class, ethnicity and what their general interests are. This information may be obtained by creating an audience questionnaire, this will also allow you to find out what their media needs are and how you can create a film that will satisfy them. 

I began by investigating how other media brands define audiences in order to prepare for creating my own audience profile for my A level production.

1. Who is my primary target audience? 15-25 year olds, unisex.

2. What kind of films and television are they likely to prefer? Combination of thriller/action/horror films: Cloverfield, The Blair Witch Project, The Ritual, IT. 

3. What platforms do they choose to watch films and where are they likely to see information about films? Subscription streaming services e.g. Netflix and Prime. Likely to see info about films on social media and online advertisements.

4. What brands do they prefer?

Odeon, Xbox/Playstation, Apple, Microsoft, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, JD, Nike, Adidas, Wagamamas, Nando's, McDonald's. 

5. What makes my film stand out from the competition? Found footage offers a different perspective and a USP other horror films do not have.

. Why should my audience watch my film? Audiences should watch my film as it offers an exciting, scary plot that will keep them on the edges of their seat.

Friday, October 8, 2021


Kezia Williams, of Entertainment One UK, on the FutureLearn Film Distribution by the Film Distributors Association, speaks about how film distributors build a 'comp list' of comparable films that their target audience would enjoy. 

She highlights the importance of knowing your target audience. She asks questions like "what drives them to the cinema" and "what interests do they have". She also says distributors will compare data of films that are similar in their genre, selling points and story. The target audience and budget is formulated from what box office take was like with previous films and the types of audience that saw those films. The target audience can be analysed to find the gender gap, and which cinemas the target audience usually frequent.

The genres of our film are horror and action.

We have followed Kezia William's advice and have collected some films that have similar genres and themes to ours. This will help us with inspiration and enable us to better reach our audience.

Comp List:


Wednesday, October 6, 2021


  1. The name of our film: Off The Leash
  2. The name of our Production Company and our co-production companies: Chambers Production, Minds Eye Films
  3. The name of the director that will appear in our trailers: Matt Heyns
  4. The name of the 2-3 main actors that will appear in our trailers: Finn Hanley, Ben Richardson, Sam De-Bruin and Matt Heyns
  5. (Optional)  "From the director of..." SUSPECT
  6. The names of the film festivals where our film will be screened (more festival names here): Edinburgh International Film Festival: Youth, BFI Future Film Festival
  7. Pull quotes from reviews etc; wording: 'thrilling' 'invigorating' 'absolute masterpiece'
  8. Our target audience 15-25, unisex 
  9. Social groups and issues in our film... Social group is male teenagers. Issues within our film are covid-19 and violent protests
  10. Our props list - photos + clothing See post
  11. Our social media - write down decisions about who is taking responsibility for which platforms Instagram - Ben, TikTok - Finn, Twitter - Sam, Facebook - Matt
  12. Our music See post

Friday, September 17, 2021


Most trailers are produced at the same time as the film is being edited. The timing of a trailer campaign is important: it must be shown far enough in advance to generate excitement about the film’s release, but not so early that people forget about the film before it even comes out. Directors also intend to have their films released by January, before Oscar season, so that their film can be nominated.

Toy Story 4

This film is a sequel in the toy story franchise, therefore it already has an established audience who will watch the film in order to relive old memories of watching the original films. Female audiences may watch the film due to the introduction of the new character; Little Bo-Peep, a strong, independent toy. This film was released in Summer, likely to target a child audience who are on their Summer break. This is also to fit in with the Summer vibe of the film. The trailer will also appeal to Americans as the idea of going away in a camper-van is traditional for Americans and may cause them to relive good, old memories. Furthermore, the beach boys soundtrack causes nostalgia for audiences, even though they may not have been alive during the songs initial release, it has a nostalgic and summery feel to it. The song may also contribute to the parents deciding to take their children to the film, because they like the music. 


The main reason why people are attracted to this film is because of the music of the Beatles. An older audience may like to watch this film because they want to relive memories of when the Beatles were together. However, the Beatles are multi-generational, so the film's music can be enjoyed by a very wide range of age groups. This film also has a summer feel to it with the festival season and live performances on the beech. This likely causes audiences to reminisce about musical summer experiences were maybe they attended a concert or festival. The film is also littered with guest appearances from famous stars such as Ed Sheeran and James Corden. This will attract an audience who like these famous singers and performers. 

The Brink

The Brink is a documentary about Steve Bannon, a right-wring American politician. This trailer will likely appeal to an American, adult audience who likes politics. Furthermore, right-wing audiences may enjoy this film as there beliefs are being emphasised. The film allows audiences to see 'behind the scenes' of the USA's political scene and fully understand how it can be very difficult to be a politician. However, in my opinion, the trailer does not seem to ask any hard questions, it just observes. This makes me believe that the film will be informative, rather than compelling. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


Trailers are shown at the cinema, on TV and online with poster campaigns and radio campaigns also giving wide coverage for new film releases. Dedicated trailer sites and official film websites often carry trailers that have been cut for a general audience and are suitable for viewers of any age, whereas trailers shown in the cinema usually correspond to the classification of the film being screened.

After a discussion, I found that the most common places to view trailers are:


Trailers are shown in cinemas before the viewing of the main film commences. Trailers being shown in cinemas are especially good because they are shown on a very big screen, with very loud audio, which gives the audience a chance to get a real idea and feel for the film, enticing them to go watch the film when it releases. Furthermore, another benefit of showing trailers in cinema is that audiences are not able too fast forward or ignore the trailer. Therefore, audiences will just sit back and enjoy the trailers and look out for films they may want to go and see.


Trailers shown on television are not as effective as trailers shown in cinemas. This is because a lot of audiences tend to not pay attention during the commercial break. For example, people tend to go and get a drink or snack when the show stops playing. However, most people watch more TV than cinema so that is a benefit.


Trailers shown on websites are an effective way of reaching an online audience. More and more people are spending more time on the internet so releasing trailers as adverts for websites is a good way of reaching out to a potential audience. Unofficial trailers can also be uploaded by users to websites such as YouTube, this is a good way for a film to generate free publicity.


DVD's can be effective at promoting trailers as DVD's are watched over and over again. However, people have the option too fast forward through the trailers at the beginning of the tape, so it may not always be effective.

Social Media

Social media allows people to comment on trailers and join in with discussions about the film. Trailers posted on social media also appeal to a younger audience who are constantly using social media.

Saturday, September 11, 2021


The teaching trailers resource, published by the FDA clearly states that it is of the highest important for a film's trailer to clearly show the genre of the film, so that audiences can decide if the film will appeal to them. For example, somebody who only likes action films is not going to like a romantic comedy. The resource also says there should be a unique selling point (USP) that is shown in the trailer, in order to offer something new to audiences and make the film stand out from others. A USP could be many things:

  • The innovative use of special effects
  • An unusual mix of genres
  • A popular star
I identified the USP in the trailers of 3 films.

Lion King - A film consisting only of animal characters who have the ability to speak. The scenery is very beautiful and the animation quality is of the highest standard.

Late Night - Popular stars; Emma Thompson and Mindy Kaling. Also focuses on women in the workplace.

Spies in Disguise - Popular stars; Will Smith and Tom Holland. Also unique animation style with high quality special effects.

Friday, September 10, 2021


 I watched trailers for 3 films: Vita and Virginia, Frozen 2 and Apollo 11.

Trailers are typically aimed at the same target audience as the film will be aimed at. Different types of people are interested in different genres of film. Whilst everyone is an individual, certain trailers will appeal to large mainstream audiences whereas some trailers may appeal to a smaller niche audience.

Vita and Virginia

I believe the target audience is aimed towards ages of 35+ with a slight skew towards a female audience. It is also aimed at all couples who may enjoy watching romantic films together. This film would appeal to socially aware women who enjoy seeing on-screen women doing what they want, without the regard of any men. The setting of the film is also very pretty, with scenes set Sissinghurst, therefore it will likely appeal to lovers of natural beauty and national trust members. Due to the films high production value with extravagant costumes and beautiful settings, it is likely to appeal to audiences who like large budget films with realistic props and settings.

Frozen 2

It is clear that the target audience is aimed at children under the age of 13 with a slight skew towards a young female audience. This is likely to be because of the main two characters being 'classic' Disney princesses. Young female audiences are likely to look up to the princesses as they see them as role-models. The feel-good vibe of the film will also attract family audiences with young children. Furthermore, the wholesome values in the film will attract families who want their children to learn good moral values. The smooth animation style also provokes a sense of childlike innocence which will attract a young audience. The action within the film may appeal to young men who enjoy watching action/adventure films. The talking snowman and all the animals also appeal to children who like nature. The general target audience is a typical Disney audience.

Apollo 11

The fact the film was selected for the Sundance Film Festival sets the idea that the film is aimed at a prestige audience as this film festival features indie films, rather than large blockbusters. The film is also a form of documentary which may attract an audience who enjoy non-fiction films, especially people interested in space and engineering. The film could be aimed at a wide range of age groups, those who were alive to witness the actual event may watch the film to reminisce about the 'good old days'. It could also be aimed at a younger audience who want to be informed about the moon landing. 

Thursday, September 9, 2021


I looked at 3 different trailers on the Teaching Trailers website supplied by the FDA in order to further my understanding of why trailers are made and how they indicate the films genre.

The trailers that I watched:

The Mustang

The opening of this film indicated that the film was a cliche, villain surviving in a prison story, but as the trailer developed, it was evident that this was not the case. This was shown when the main character is introduced into a horse program. The trailer clarifies that the film is a feel-good film as we see the main character transform from a person rotting away in a jail cell to someone who has a new found bond with a loving horse. The trailer makes audiences want to view the film as viewers of the trailer are left with questions about how this transformation takes place and how a hardened criminal can find a new love for animals. The genre of this film is definitely drama as it is evident that the main character is in a difficult place in his life and overcoming this is going to be difficult for him.

Hobbs & Shaw

As Hobbs & Shaw is part of the Fast and Furious franchise, it is safe to assume that the genre will be action and the film will consist of very unrealistic violence. The trailer showed all the things that would be expected in a Fast and Furious film; car chases, explosions, excessive violence and advanced technology. The trailer is mainly aimed at a male, young teenage audience who like cars and violence. However, the female actress proved that females can also be typical 'bad-asses' who fire guns and drive fast, therefore it may also appeal to a female audience.

Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl was represented as a children's fantasy film in its trailer. This was mainly because the main character was a confident, young child who embarks on an adventure. The quest theme theme is typical in action/adventure films designed for children as it usually involves a gripping storyline with twists that engage the child audience. The film made use of children's love for magic and fantasy as well as their appreciation of beautiful sets too lore in potential child audiences. For example, the scene where the woman transforms into a pretty being with wings, capable of flight will make viewers want to watch the film. Trailers like this appeal to both girls and boys.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021


 I have started further research into trailers using the FDA's Teaching Trailers online resource, from which these resources come. 

I watched a trailer Booksmart before considering the following questions about trailers in general. 

1. What do you think are the major elements of a film marketing campaign?

Using Black Panther as an example of a very successful marketing campaign, I believe there are physical and digital elements of a successful marketing campaign. Digital elements could include Black Panther's website consisted of convergent links that lead to the social media accounts for the films where the film could be promoted to different audiences, especially the teenage audience who are common users of social media. Furthermore, Black Panther also used physical techniques such as billboards and posters that appealed to audiences by making the film seem exciting and action-packed. 

2. Where might you expect to see each of the different parts of the marketing campaign?

In cinemas and on TV (trailers), online (film websites and social media accounts), TV and chat shows, newspaper reports and features, radio shows reviewing films, magazine articles.

3. What factors make you want to go and see a film? How do you decide what films to see?

I think the main factor that influences my decision on whether or not to watch a film is the trailer. If the film has a well made trailer it gives me the idea that the film is professional and therefore will be well made. Another important factor is the genre of the film, different genres appeal to different people. The genre of the film will influence my decision on whether or not I will watch a film. Finally, if the film has a strong marketing campaign it will mean I am more likely to watch it. For example, if I see advertising for the film physically and digitally it will motivate me to watch the film as I want to fit in with everyone else who will be watching it.


Ben Richardson 1853 I worked with Sam De Bruin 1815, Matt Heyns 1828 and Finn Hanley 1824. Our brief was to make a promo package, consisting...